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Matilla, O.

Paper Title Page
WEC003 Alba, the PLC Based Protection Systems 397
  • D. Fernandez-Carreiras, D. B. Beltran, J. Klora, O. Matilla, R. Montano, M. Niegowski, R. Ranz, A. Rubio, S. Rubio-Manrique
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès
  Both Personnel Safety System (PSS) and Equipment Protection System are based on PLCs. The PSS is an independent system based on Pilz Safety PLCs designed to match the Safety Integrity Level 3 defined in the norm IEC 61508. The EPS uses B&R PLCs with distributed periphery located inside the Tunnel and BL Hutches. Most of the code is defined from the cable database. The cableDB is a MySQL database containing a complete information on equipments and cables and from which, besides the reports for cabling installation, most code for PLCs, device servers and expert GUIs are automatically generated. The EPS is complemented with a redundant faster protection system based on the Timing devices and transmitted over Fiber optics.