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Matalgah, S. A.

Paper Title Page
TUP004 SESAME Computing and Network Infrastructure 1
  • A. Al-Adwan, S. A. Matalgah
    SESAME, Allan
  SESAME is a third generation light source being built in Jordan with member countries from the Middle East. Obviously, such a facility requires state of the art computing and network infrastructure which is supposed to serve with high availability and efficiency for the life cycle of the facility,thus, having flexibility, scalability and upgradability was among the main requirements. The process of collecting requirements, working with industry to meet these requirements by putting specification and designs, and finally installing, configuring and operating all the equipment has been completed successfully. The infrastructure is using the latest technologies and novel concepts in computing and networking hardware, virtualization at the network level, virtualization at the servers and services level and lastly, automating systems management. This paper reports the progress that has been made to build, install, and operate SESAME computing and network infrastructure.