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Mahoney, K. L.

Paper Title Page
TUP046 Jefferson Lab Personnel Safety Electronic Log RMA 188
  • K. L. Mahoney, I. T. Carlino, K. Kindrew, T. L. Larrieu, T. S. McGuckin, N. Okay
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia
  Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177.

This paper describes a new electronic legal record management application developed at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF.) At Jefferson Lab and many other accelerator facilities, there is a permanent record of personnel entering and exiting a secure accelerator beam enclosure during Controlled or other special access conditions. These legal records ' records that may be entered as evidence in a court of law - may also contain entries related to radiological controls, tests, and certification of access control interlock systems. Until recently, the stringent requirements for electronic legal records required by the U. S. government, made it impractical to create an electronic version of the Personnel Safety System (PSS) paper log book. The staff at TJNAF have now designed and implemented a PSS e-log book application and records management program that meets the requirements for electronic records. In order to successfully implement this system, the development included significant effort in database design, user interface, software quality assurance, and records management.

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WEC002 Jefferson Lab IEC 61508/61511 Safety PLC Based Safety System 394
  • K. L. Mahoney, H. P. Robertson
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia
  Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177.

This paper describes the design of the new 12 GeV Upgrade Personnel Safety System (PSS) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF). The new PSS design is based on the implementation of systems designed to meet international standards IEC61508 and IEC 61511 for programmable safety systems. In order to meet the IEC standards, TJNAF engineers evaluated several SIL 3 Safety PLCs before deciding on an optimal architecture. In addition to hardware considerations, software quality standards and practices must also be considered. Finally, we will discuss R&D that may lead to both high safety reliability and high machine availability that may be applicable to future accelerators such as the ILC.

WEP092 New Beam Loss Monitor for 12 GeV Upgrade 582
  • J. Yan, K. L. Mahoney
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia
  Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177

This paper describes a new VME based machine protection Beam Loss Monitor(BLM) signal processing board designed at Jefferson Lab which features high sensitivity, high resolution, and low cost per channel. Photomultiplier based BLMs are used to detect bremsstrahlung from low level beam loss during tune-up and beam operations and to provide a machine protection trip before the beam can damage accelerator components. Typically, the two functions are incompatible as the display of instantaneous low level loss requires a fast low noise, wide dynamic range signal processor while machine protection requires some form of high level integrating signal processor. The new 8-channel BLM card has linear, logarithmic, and integrating amplifiers that simultaneously provide the optimal signal processing for each application. Amplified signals are digitized and then further processed through a FPGA. Combining both the diagnostic and machine protection functions in each channel allows the operator to tune-up and monitor beam operations. Other features include extensive built-in-self-test, fast shutdown interface(FSD), and 16-Mbit buffers for beam loss transient play-back.