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Maeda, D.

Paper Title Page
WED002 Development of a Remote Experiment Control System 615
  • Y. Furukawa, K. Hasegawa
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  • D. Maeda, G. Ueno
    RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
  A remote experiment control system is a long desired system for synchrotron radiation facilities. For coexistence of radiation and physical safety, operationand data security, careful consideration is required. The beamline interlock system provides radiation safety with radiation shielding hutches. Under the condition in which synchrotron radiation can be introduced into the hutch, the interlock system guarantees that there are no person inside the hutch. Using the information from the radiation safety interlock system, physical safety system has been built. For the operation and data security, we made a custom SSL serverwith bidirectional authentication. The server replays commands from remote user's program to the experiment control computer. A client certification file contains an information about remote user's experiment, the SSL server accepts commands from the authorized user. With a video streaming, remote user can watch samples and/or experimental equipments. A system latency is small enough, the remote users can perform their experiment as if they were beside the beamline. The system is under testing and it will be opened users in this fiscal year.  
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