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Ma, F.

Paper Title Page
THP015 An Analysis of the Control Hierarchy Modelling of the CMS Detector Control System 706
  • Y. L. Hwong, B. Beccati, E. Cano, M. Ciganek, S. Cittolin, J. A. Coarasa, C. Deldicque, D. Gigi, F. Glege, R. Gomez-Reino, J. Gutleber, J. F. Laurens, F. Meijers, E. Meschi, R. Moser, L. Orsini, A. Racz, H. Sakulin, C. Schwick, M. Simon, M. Zanetti
    CERN, Geneva
  • G. Bauer, C. Loizides, F. Ma, C. Paus, J. F. Serrano Margaleff, K. Sumorok, A. S. Yoon
    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • U. Behrens, D. Hatton, A. Meyer
    DESY, Hamburg
  • K. Biery, H. Cheung, J. A. Lopez-Perez, R. K. Mommsen, V. O'Dell, D. Shpakov
    Fermilab, Batavia
  • J. Branson, A. Petrucci, M. Pieri, M. Sani
    UCSD, La Jolla, California
  • S. Erhan
    UCLA, Los Angeles, California
  Funding: ACEOLE: A Marie Curie Initial Training Network Project

The high level Detector Control System (DCS) of the CMS experiment is modeled using Finite State Machines (FSM), which cover the control application behaviors of all the sub-detectors and support services. The Joint Controls Project (JCOP) at CERN has chosen the SMI++ framework for this purpose. Based on this framework, the functionality and behavior of the equipments and subsystems of the experiment is represented as a collection of objects in a hierarchical structure where commands flow down and states flow upwards. The FSM tree of the whole CMS experiment consists of tens of thousands of nodes. Due to the enormous size and complexity of the system, a high level of homogeneity and consistency is desired. The analysis of the current FSM hierarchy of the CMS experiment and the design of a mechanism for the optimization of the FSM logic and structure will be presented. The CMS FSM system will be discussed in view of most recent research on modeling and analysis of such systems. An algorithm for analyzing and remedying complex FSM system will be presented.

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