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Lennholm, M.

Paper Title Page
WEP098 Failure Mode And Recovery Strategies For The Operation Of The Tore Supra Tokamak 591
  • P. Moreau, S. P. Bremond, J. Bucalossi, D. Douai, P. Hertout, F. Leroux, P. Pastor, N. Ravenel, F. Saint-Laurent
    Association EURATOM-CEA, St Paul Lez Durance
  • M. Lennholm
    EFDA-JET, Abingdon, Oxon
  The operation of the Tore Supra tokamak requires the orchestration of more than 50 systems including several sub-plants (cryogenic plant, magnetic coils, water cooling loops, multi megawatt heating systems, etc.), as well as plasma diagnostics. To ensure both plasma performance and safe operation, it is crucial to optimise the way each plasma discharge is driven. The Tore Supra real time control system (RTCS) has been developed on that purpose. Default detections is performed at both sub-plant systems and inter-plant links levels using hardware and software means. Additionally, a dedicated unit is devoted to the supervision of the overall plasma discharge by collecting the sub-plant status and the plasma parameters from diagnostics. Any abnormal event or discrepancy with respect to reference parameters is detected and classified as machine protection event (e.g. electrical arcing on RF antenna or too high impurity level, etc.), or as plasma performance discrepancy event (e.g. degraded confinement regime). Then a pre-defined recovery strategy is applied (e.g. balance load distribution between sub-plants). Several examples of detection and recovery strategies will be reported.  
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