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Kuo, C. H.

Paper Title Page
TUP005 Preliminary Planning of Taiwan Photon Source Control Network 105
  • Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, Y. K. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, K. T. Hsu, S. Y. Hsu, K. H. Hu, C. H. Kuo
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  The future Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) control network is used for the accelerator system control and it is one of the most important infrastructures for the control system which is based upon the EPICS toolkit framework. The TPS network is built to be a modern, reliable, flexible and secure environment between public and private Ethernet with various network control and monitor technique. These include of firewall, SNMP, QOS, VPN, etc. Network tunneling technique will be applied in the remote access, out of TPS especially. The Ethernet will be intensively used as field bus also, topology of the field bus is also considered. This paper will describe the preliminary planning and conceptual design for the TPS control system network. We also discuss the system architecture in this conference that consists of cabling topology, redundancy and maintainability.  
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TUP045 Preliminary Test of EPICS Waveform Support for TPS 185
  • Y.-S. Cheng, J. Chen, Y. K. Chen, P. C. Chiu, K. T. Hsu, K. H. Hu, C. H. Kuo, C. Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  The TPS (Taiwan Photon Source) is newly proposed the 3 GeV synchrotron light source project. The control system of TPS is based upon EPICS framework. Waveform acquisition supports are essential for the commissioning and operation. The EPICS IOCs, scope IOCs, digitizers and oscilloscopes can support to acquire waveform through EPICS channel access. The EDM is used to implement the operation interface. The control environments of TPS provide specific operation EDM pages of waveform acquired from EPICS IOC, digitizers and oscilloscopes with various sampling rate and vertical resolution. The environment is implemented and tested at the Taiwan Light Source (TLS). The efforts will be summaries at this report.  
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TUD006 Design Status of the TPS Control System 355
  • K. T. Hsu, Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, Y. K. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, P. C. Chiu, S. Y. Hsu, K. H. Hu, C. H. Kuo, D. Lee, C.-J. Wang, C. Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) project will build a new 3 GeV synchrotron light source at the site of NSRRC. Refinement of the TPS control system design is on going. The control system is based on EPICS toolkits framework. Guidelines for hardware platform and operating system choice will be addressed. Various EPICS test bed has be setup to evaluate selected hardware and software components. The TPS control system will provide versatile environments for machine commissioning, operation, and accelerator research. The open architecture will facilitate machine upgrade, modification easily and minimize efforts for machine maintenance. Performance and reliability of the control system will be guaranteed from the initial design phase. Current efforts will be summary in this report.  
WEP079 Integrated Control and Archive System for Utility Facility 1
  • Z.-D. Tsai, J.-C. Chang, J.-R. Chen, C. H. Kuo, J.-M. Lee
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  In the accelerator field, the utility system, including cooling water, cooling air, electric power etc. must proceed the reliable and stable control. These systems almost cover all locations of accelerator instrument and require integrating all the hybrid control systems. A novel data exchange mechanism via Ethernet or wireless Ethernet is developed to provide the distributed PCs, PLCs(Programmable Logical Controller), PACs(Programmable Automation Controller) and embedded devices with reliable communication. The system also introduces a platform with real-time status to view, control, analyze and alert. The users can access online and offline data by adequate viewers. The mechanism benefits all system maintenance, operation, management and analysis.  
THP062 Performance Studies of an Integrated Orbit Feedback System with Slow and Fast Correctors 779
  • P. C. Chiu, K. T. Hsu, C. H. Kuo
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  Simulation study and experiments of an integrated orbit feedback system of the combined slow and fast correctors is under way. The slow correctors have the stronger trim strength with slower response while the fast ones have weaker strength but faster response. The integrated system can transfer DC corrections smoothly from fast correctors to slow ones to avoid possible saturation of the fast correctors as well as has an advantage of capability to suppress fast transient orbit drift. The simulation of the system performance will be presented and its application for TLS and TPS will also be discussed.  
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THP064 Orbit Feedback in Taiwan Light Source 785
  • C. H. Kuo, J. Chen, P. C. Chiu, K. T. Hsu, K. H. Hu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  The global orbit feedback system is indispensable for the Taiwan Light Source (TLS) operation. The existed orbit feedback system has been deployed for a decade to stabilize electron closed orbit. This orbit feedback system is used to suppress various perturbations include orbit excursion due to insertion device operation in TLS. To take advantage of advanced in BPM and power supply technology, the feedback system is upgraded recently accompany with BPM electronic and corrector power supply upgrade; infrastructure of new system has also been modified and rebuilt. Orbit stability is improved drastically. Efforts of digital BPM (Libera Brillance), PWM power supply, orbit feedback system, on-line system modeling, diagnostic access, and control rules upgrade with reduced ill-conditioned response matrix will be presented in this report. Planning the global orbit feedback system based upon experiences accumulate form TLS project for the newly proposed Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) will be summary also.  
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THP113 Upgrade the Machine Status Broadcast System by PHP Framework 895
  • Y.-S. Cheng, Y.-T. Chang, J. Chen, Y. K. Chen, K. T. Hsu, K. H. Hu, C. H. Kuo
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  To improve the display quality and enhance expandability of machine status broadcasting, the existing cable TV will be replaced by a network interface to transmit the machine status display. To access the display page without installing other toolkit easily, we use a network browser to show the machine status display. Thus we implement a broadcast system by the PHP Framework on Linux server and show main machine status, trend plots and images. Then we use a thin PC (loaded OS and browser) to combine LCD TV to show the full-frame display page. By means of it, the machine status display is clearer to be observed. On the other hand, to reduce impacts of the network bandwidth, we avoid using the additional applet to aggravate the network bandwidth. Our design will be based on low network loading to upgrade the machine status broadcast system. Moreover we will measure the variation of network throughput to learn the effect of numbers of accessing clients. According to the measurement result, we can estimate the relation between the network loading and numbers of accessing clients.  
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