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Kruk, G.

Paper Title Page
TUP106 Status Report of the Measurement Service for the CERN Accelerator Logging 325
  • M. Gourber-Pace, G. Kruk, M. Misiowiec
    CERN, Geneva
  The LHC Logging service is aimed to satisfy the requirement of capturing and storing any relevant accelerator data to track its variation over time. This service is presently operational on the whole CERN accelerator complex, from ion and proton sources to LHC, and has become a critical component of the CERN control systems. The focus is given to the measurement part of this service, which is responsible for the data acquisition and preparation (processing, filtering, concentration) prior to its storage in database and file systems. Incoming data is often processed by a concentration layer, the processes that transform data of multiple devices into single values according to well defined rules and then publish them further on, to the LHC Logging among others. The paper describes the architecture and presents the solutions to the very challenging requirements imposed by the LHC in terms of overall performance and reliability. The efficiency of the data acquisition and filtering as well as the flexible software design are highlighted.  
WEA004 New Wave of Component Reuse with Spring Framework - AP Case Study 367
  • J. P. Wozniak, S. Deghaye, G. Kruk
    CERN, Geneva
  Funding: CERN

The myth of component reuse has always been a 'holy grail' of software engineering. The motivation varies from less time, effort and money expenditure to higher system quality and reliability which is especially important in the domain of high energy physics and accelerator controls. Identified as an issue by D. McIlroy in 1968, it has been generally addressed in many ways with various success rates. But only recently with the advent of fresh ideas like the Spring Framework with its powerful yet simple 'Inversion of Control ' paradigm the solution to the problem has started to be surprisingly uncomplicated. Gathered over years of experience this document explains best practices and lessons learned applied at CERN for the design of the operational software used to control the accelerator complex and focuses on features of the Spring Framework that render the component reuse achievable in practice. It also provides real life use cases of mission-critical control systems developed by the Application Section like LHC Software Architecture, Injector Control Architecture or Software Interlock System that have built their own success mostly upon a stack of reusable software components.

WEP099 Management of Critical Machine Settings for Accelerators at CERN 594
  • W. Sliwinski, P. Charrue, V. Kain, G. Kruk
    CERN, Geneva
  In high energy accelerators as LHC energy stored in the beams is orders of magnitude above the damage level of accelerator components like magnets. Uncontrolled release of energy can lead to a serious damage of equipment and long machine downtimes. In order to cope with these potential risks Protection Systems were developed at CERN including two software systems: MCS (Management of Critical Settings) and RBAC (Role Based Access Control). RBAC provides means for authentication and an authorization facility which grants access to the critical parts of a control system. Second layer of security is provided by MCS by ensuring that critical parameters are coherent within the software and hardware components of a control system and can only be changed by an authorized person. MCS system is aimed for the most critical and potentially dangerous equipment (e.g. Beam Loss Monitors) and is complementary to RBAC infrastructure. Both systems are fully integrated in the control system for LHC and SPS and were successfully commissioned for the first beam in LHC. This presentation will describe the MCS architecture, current status and its operational deployment together with plans for the future.  
THA005 CERN Proton Synchrotron Complex High-Level Controls Renovation 638
  • S. Deghaye, M. Arruat, D. Garcia Quintas, M. Gourber-Pace, G. Kruk, O. Kulikova, V. V. Lezhebokov, S. Pasinelli, M. Peryt, C. Roderick, E. Roux, M. Sobczak, R. R. Steerenberg, J. P. Wozniak, Z. Zaharieva
    CERN, Geneva
  After a detailed study of the PS complex requirements by experts of the CERN controls & operation groups, a proposal to develop a new system, called Injectors Control Architecture (InCA), was presented to and accepted by the management late 2007. Aiming at the homogenisation of the controls systems across CERN accelerators, InCA is based on components developed for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) but also new components required to fulfill operation needs. In 2008, the project was in its elaboration phase and we successfully validated its architecture and critical use-cases during several machine development sessions. After a minute description of the architecture put in place and the components used, this paper will describe the planning approach taken combining iterative development phases with deployment in operation for validation sessions.  
THP093 JDataViewer - Java-based Charting Library 856
  • G. Kruk, M. Peryt
    CERN, Geneva
  The JDataViewer is a Java-based charting library developed at CERN, with powerful, extensible and easy to use function editing capabilities. Function edition is heavily used in Control System applications, but poorly supported in products available on the market. The JDataViewer enables adding, removing and modifying function points graphically (using a mouse) or by editing a table of values. Custom edition strategies are supported: the developer can specify an algorithm that reacts to the modification of a given point in the function by automatically adapting all other points. The library provides all typical 2D plotting types (scatter, polyline, area, bar, HiLo, contour), as well as data point annotations and data indicators. It also supports common interactors to zoom and move the visible view, or to select and highlight function segments. A clear API is provided to configure and customize all chart elements (colors, fonts, data ranges, …) programmatically, and to integrate non-standard rendering types, interactors or chart decorations (custom drawings). Last but not least, the library offers a performance that is better than the available open source charting packages.  
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