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Krause, L.

Paper Title Page
WEP032 PCI/cPCI Interface for PSI Power Supply Controller 471
  • D. B. Beltran, F. Becheri, D. Fernandez-Carreiras, J. V. Gigante, J. Klora, L. Krause, M. Lipinsky
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès
  CELLS has developed a PCI/cPCI interface for the PSI controller for Power Supplies. Those power supplies are used for the Storage Ring corrector magnets (for slow and fast orbit feedback) and the corrector magnets of the Insertion Devices. The hardware interface has a commercial IP carrier (either PCI or cPCI), the PSI PSCIP2 Power supply control module, and a in-house rackable transition module (conversion between the electrical signal of the PSI PSCIP2 module and the optical signal). On the software side, an existing driver for Linux 2.4 VME has been adapted and upgraded to 2.6 PCI. A Tango device server is also available for both Fiber optic links and serial Line.