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Kopitetzki, O.

Paper Title Page
THP038 First Experience with the Introduction of Virtualization Techniques into the DELTA Control System 741
  • D. Schirmer, O. Kopitetzki, P. Towalski
    DELTA, Dortmund
  After many years of operation the client/server architecture of the EPICS-based control system at the synchrotron light source DELTA has been modernized. Due to successive augmentation with additional computers for dedicated tasks, the previous topology grew in the course of time. As a result the maintenance effort increased while the efficiency of the processor load decreased. The introduction of virtualization methods helped to tackle this issue. After evaluation and testing, different implementations were put into action. Pros and cons of the various virtualization solutions are discussed and the experiences with the introduction into an already running EPICS based control system are summarized in this article as well.  
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