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Klotz, W.-D.

Paper Title Page
MOB001 ITER Controls Design Status 1
  • W.-D. Klotz, H. Dave, F. Di Maio, H. K. Gulati, C. Hansalia, J. Y. Journeaux, K. Mahajan, L. Scibile, D. Stepanov, A. Wallander, I. Yonekawa
    ITER, St Paul lez Durance
  • D. Joonekindt
    Atos Origin, Meylan
  ITER Control, Data Access and Communication (CODAC) system passed conceptual design review in late 2007. Since then a local CODAC group has been formed on the ITER site currently consisting of 12 staff representing four out of the seven parties. The work in transforming the conceptual design into an engineering design is now in full swing. The primary current focus is on standardization of the development process as well as hardware and software components for instrumentation and control. The system will provide services and communication functions to orchestrate and integrate, current estimate is 165, Plant Systems which will be delivered 'in kind' by the seven ITER Parties. The latter poses the largest challenge of the project. This paper will detail the architecture of the system, will report on standards selected and will present the activities, strategy and technology choices made during the last year and outline the plans ahead.  
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MOC005 Development of the ITER CODAC Core Systems 22
  • F. Di Maio, J. Y. Journeaux, W.-D. Klotz, K. Mahajan, P. Makijarvi, D. Stepanov, N. Utzel, A. Wallander
    ITER, St Paul lez Durance
  The duration of the construction period for ITER is ten years, from 2008. The procurement model is such that the ITER Plant Systems will mostly be provided 'in kind' to be integrated into the ITER control infrastructure. In the coming three years, the earliest plant systems will be built and some test facilities will also be required. As a result, the CODAC group (Controls, Data Access & Communications) is already preparing the systems that implement the core functions such as operator interface, alarms handling, communications or data storage, in incremental versions, reduced and tailored for the development and tests of the plant systems before integration. The work is executed in partnership with labs and industries from the ITER parties and has to be organized as a continuous process to match the consecutive integration and commissioning phases of the ITER project. This paper reports on these tasks, including schedules and decisions, with details on two systems named Plant System Host and Mini-CODAC.  
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TUP110 Conceptual Design of the ITER Plasma Control System 337
  • A. Winter, D. J. Campbell, Y. Gribov, W.-D. Klotz, L. Scibile, J. Snipes, A. Wallander, I. Yonekawa
    ITER, St Paul lez Durance
  This paper will describe the present state of the conceptual design of the Plasma Control System (PCS) on ITER. The PCS will be integrated into the ITER Control, Data Access and Communication system (CODAC). It uses data from the scenario and sequence algorithms, together with measurements from the diagnostic systems to produce outputs used to setup the necessary conditions for plasma operation, produce plasma, and control the evolution of the all of the plasma parameters that are necessary to operate ITER throughout all phases of the discharge. An overview will be given of what diagnostic input, type of physics algorithms, and actuator outputs the PCS will require to perform its control functions along with the present concept of its integration and interfaces with other CODAC systems such as the scheduling system and the Safety & Interlock systems. The layout of the various PCS subsystems will be presented, including wall conditioning and tritium removal, plasma axisymmetric & non-axisymmetric magnetic control, power and particle flux control to first wall and divertor, plasma kinetic control, non-axisymmetric stability control, and disruption mitigation and off-normal shutdown.  
WEC005 An Overview of the ITER Central Interlock and Safety Systems 403
  • L. Scibile, J. Y. Journeaux, W.-D. Klotz, A. Wallander, I. Yonekawa
    ITER, St Paul lez Durance
  Many systems that make up the ITER machine have to respect stringent requirements in terms of reliability, availability, safety and maintainability either for the protection of people, the environment or the safe operation of the machine. International standards have been selected to manage the lifecycle of the different types of systems, to harmonize the work that is carried out in the countries of the seven ITER partners and to satisfy the French safety regulations. These systems usually have the basic means of local self protection designed into it from its conception. Additional levels of protections are provided by the Central Interlock System and the Central Safety System for those combinations of systems' conditions that are dangerous, even though each system may be within its own safe limits. The Central Interlock System deals with the safe operation of the machine while the Central Safety System deals with the protection of the people and the environment. This paper gives an overview of the Central Interlock and Safety Systems based on the current requirements, the survey of the protection systems and the application of international standards.