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Kim, K. H.

Paper Title Page
TUD002 The Newly Constructed EPICS-based Control System for KSTAR Tokamak Device 1
  • M. K. Park, S. Baek, Y. Chu, S. H. Hahn, J. S. Hong, M. K. Kim, Y. O. Kim, M. Kwon, S. Lee, W. R. Lee, H. K. Na, Y. K. Oh, J. S. Park
    NFRI, Daejeon
  • K. H. Kim
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  The KSTAR is the newest superconducting tokamak to have a mission to perform fusion researches for future energy source, which accomplished the 1st plasma in 2008 after the completion of design, fabrication and assembly since 1995. The KSTAR integrated control system (KICS) aimed at integration of all plant system I&Cs, development of schema for tokamak operation and relevant S/W, achievement of synchronized operation, and machine protection. For those purposes, we elaborated on the selection of a middleware for the KICS focused on performance, reliability and maintainability, and finally decided to use EPICS. In addition, the KICS adapted several open-source tools in the fields of data management and user interfaces such as MDSplus, Qt, Mysql, etc. For the initial operation, we integrated 17 types of plant systems with various H/W platforms and installed about 200 controllers to handle about 18,000 Process Variables. This paper focuses on the development of the KICS and the operational results. Moreover, the evaluation of EPICS for tokamak control is explained by analyzing the differences between tokamak and accelerator control.  
THB001 Beam-based Feedback for the Linac Coherent Light Source 644
  • D. Fairley, S. Allison, S. Chevtsov, P. Chu, F.-J. Decker, P. Emma, J. C. Frisch, T. M. Himel, K. H. Kim, P. Krejcik, T. E. Lahey, H. Loos, P. Natampalli, S. Peng, D. Rogind, H. Shoaee, T. Straumann, G. R. White, E. Williams, J. Wu, S. Zelazny
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  Funding: Work supported in part by the DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. This work was performed in support of the LCLS project at SLAC.

Beam-based feedback control loops are required by the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) program in order to provide fast, single-pulse stabilization of beam parameters. Eight transverse feedback loops, a 6x6 longitudinal feedback loop, and a loop to maintain the electron bunch charge were successfully prototyped in MATLAB for the LCLS, and have been maintaining stability of the LCLS electron beam at beam rates up to 30Hz. In the final commissioning phase of LCLS the beam will be operating at up to 120Hz. In order to run the feedback loops at beam rate, the feedback loops will be implemented in EPICS IOCs with a dedicated ethernet multi-cast network. This paper will discuss the design of the beam-based Fast Feedback System for LCLS. Topics include MATLAB feedback prototyping, algorithm for 120Hz feedback, network design for fast data transport, actuator and sensor design for single-pulse control and sensor readback, and feedback configuration and runtime control.