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Kammering, R.

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MOD004 Evolution of the FLASH DAQ System 37
  • T. Wilksen, A. Agababyan, G. Grygiel, O. Hensler, R. Kammering, V. Kocharyan, L. M. Petrosyan, K. Rehlich, V. Rybnikov
    DESY, Hamburg
  The Data Acquisition System at the Free-Electron-Laser Hamburg (FLASH) has evolved since its implementation in 2005 into a reliable and versatile system used for accelerator operations and studies along with a multitude of different photon experiment users, recording about 14 TB in 2008 for experiments only. Recently the DAQ system has been successfully upgraded with new hardware to accommodate increasing demands of beamline experiments, upcoming R&D work at FLASH i.e. for the ILC, and to prepare for the upgrade of the FLASH facility this year. The design of the FLASH DAQ is based on a very scalable and extensible concept, recording all available data, processing and archiving it as well as providing an interface for the user to analyze their measurements. Several instances of the same DAQ system have been installed now in parallel to the existing ones to allow for a flexible and redundant configuration, adjusted to the needs of the different user communities. This paper describes the evolution of and experiences with the FLASH DAQ and highlights the key elements of its design to facilitate an expandable yet easily to duplicate system implementation.  
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FRA004 E-logbook Reloaded - or the Renovation of DESYs Electronic Logbook 931
  • R. Kammering, K. Rehlich, J. Strampe
    DESY, Hamburg
  Heading towards the tenth anniversary of the DESYs electronic logbook, this paper outlines the various changes and improvements done to the electronic logbook since its first days. To satisfy and support the seeming never ending requests for copies of the electronic logbook form all over the world and to allow better maintainability, the original DESY e-logbook has undergone many changes. E.g. triggered the manageability of several dozens of e-logbook instances at once, the development of the so called "E-logbook Manager" application. But also many smaller improvements like replacing the old fashion navigation tree by a modern AJAX driven one, a "mail to experts" tool to easily post problems/info's to responsible persons or secure access methods to allow access to the e-logbooks from all over the world, have been made in the last years. As an next step a redesign of the login and security concepts is under development and will be presented.