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Kain, V.

Paper Title Page
WEC001 Commissioning of the Control System for the LHC Beam Dump Kicker Systems 391
  • E. Carlier, A. Antoine, C. Chanavat, B. Goddard, V. Kain, N. Magnin, J. A. Uythoven, N. Voumard
    CERN, Geneva
  The beam dumping system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) provides a loss-free fast extraction of the circulating beams. It consists per ring of 15 extraction kickers, followed by 15 septum magnets, 10 dilution kickers and an external absorber. A dump request can occur at any moment during the operation of the collider, from injection energy up to collision energy. All kickers must fire synchronously with the beam abort gap to properly extract the whole beam in one single turn into the extraction channel. Incorrect operation of the extraction kickers can lead to beam losses and severe damage to the machine. The control system of the LHC beam dump kickers is based on a modular architecture composed of 4 different sub-systems, each with a specific function, in order to detect internal failures, to ensure a correct extraction trajectory over the whole LHC operational range, to synchronise and distribute dumps requests, and to analyse the transient signals recorded during the beam dumping process. The control architecture is presented and the different steps performed for its validation, from the individual sub-systems tests to the final commissioning with beam, are described.  
WEP099 Management of Critical Machine Settings for Accelerators at CERN 594
  • W. Sliwinski, P. Charrue, V. Kain, G. Kruk
    CERN, Geneva
  In high energy accelerators as LHC energy stored in the beams is orders of magnitude above the damage level of accelerator components like magnets. Uncontrolled release of energy can lead to a serious damage of equipment and long machine downtimes. In order to cope with these potential risks Protection Systems were developed at CERN including two software systems: MCS (Management of Critical Settings) and RBAC (Role Based Access Control). RBAC provides means for authentication and an authorization facility which grants access to the critical parts of a control system. Second layer of security is provided by MCS by ensuring that critical parameters are coherent within the software and hardware components of a control system and can only be changed by an authorized person. MCS system is aimed for the most critical and potentially dangerous equipment (e.g. Beam Loss Monitors) and is complementary to RBAC infrastructure. Both systems are fully integrated in the control system for LHC and SPS and were successfully commissioned for the first beam in LHC. This presentation will describe the MCS architecture, current status and its operational deployment together with plans for the future.