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Izsak, R.

Paper Title Page
TUP086 The Control System of SPES Target: Current Status and Perspectives. 278
  • M. G. Giacchini, A. Andrighetto, G. Bassato, L. Costa, R. Izsak, G. P. Prete, J. A. Vasquez
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD)
  The new project of a facility for the Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) is starting at LNL. A commercial cyclotron will deliver to the UCx target a proton beam with a current of 200 μA and an energy up to 70 MeV; the project goal is to reach a production of neutron rich fragments at a rate of 1013 /sec. The construction of the Target Laboratory, the most innovative and critical part of the entire facility, is at advanced stage and its control system is being developed using EPICS *. The main challenge in the control system design is the integration in a unique framework of different hardware technologies, ranging from PLCs to embedded Linux controllers. We present the status of the Target control system ** , describe the overall architecture foreseen for SPES and discuss in more detail some technical choices concerning with the realization of GUI applications.

* http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/
** http://www.lnl.infn.it/~epics/spes.html

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