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Hug, F.

Paper Title Page
THP026 Development of an FPGA Based RF Control System For the S-DALINAC 718
  • A. Araz, U. Bonnes, R. Eichhorn, F. Hug, M. Konrad, A. Richter
    TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt
  Funding: supported by the DFG via SFB 634

The Superconducting DArmstadt electron LINear ACcelerator S-DALINAC has a maximum energy of 130 MeV and beam currents of up to 60 μA. To reach this energy conveniently in cw, superconducting cavities with a high Q at a frequency of 3 GHz are used. In order to achieve a minimum energy spread, the amplitude and phase of the cavities have to be controlled strictly in order to compensat the impact of microphonic perturbations. The existing analog rf control system based on a self exited loop, converts the 3 GHz signals down to the base band. This concept will also be followed by the new digital system currently under design. It is based on an FPGA in the low frequency part, giving a great flexibility in the control algorithm and providing additional diagnostics. The low level RF system is controled via CAN bus within an EPICS environment. We will report on the design concept, the status and the latest results measured with a prototype.

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