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Grunhaus, E.

Paper Title Page
TUP012 XAL Adoption Experience at LCLS 117
  • P. Chu, A. Chan, S. Chevtsov, D. Fairley, E. Grunhaus, R. H. Iverson, P. Krejcik, G. R. White, J. Wu, S. Zelazny
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  • Q. Gan
    IHEP Beijing, Beijing
  Funding: Work supported in part by the DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. This work was performed in support of the LCLS project at SLAC.

XAL is a high level accelerator application framework originally developed by the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The XAL framework provides generic hierarchical view for an accelerator as well as many utility tools. In XAL, a built-in physics model calculates either single particle or envelope tracking for physics parameters. Modifications to the original XAL model are necessary for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). Work was done to manipulate MAD deck output within a database in support of the XAL configuration and model. The XAL graphical user interface has been replaced by a SLAC specific design. New applications based on the framework are also discussed.

THP020 AIDA, An Architecture for Distributed Accelerator Data at SLAC 715
  • G. R. White, S. Chevtsov, P. Chu, D. Fairley, E. Grunhaus, R. D. Hall, P. Krejcik, G. S. McIntyre, D. Rogind, R. C. Sass, H. Shoaee, S. Zelazny
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  Funding: Work supported in part by the DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515

Rapid development of scientific software applications for a large instrument like an accelerator, in an established and evolving environment, is made difficult by the diversity of interfaces, protocols, and hosts, of the source data. Additionally, analytical applications deal mainly with complex data structures, such as synchronized beam data for a whole beamline, rather than individual control points. AIDA (Accelerator Integrated Data Access) is a distributed 3-tier system that allows Matlab, Java programs, or scripts, to interoperate with EPICS Channel Access, legacy control systems, relational databases such as Oracle, accelerator modelling systems, EPICS and SLC Archivers, and other data servers, in ways oriented to scientific users. It also includes a web interface for search and plots. At SLAC, AIDA provides a uniform, fast, interface to 4.5 million named elements in 14 lower level systems, over two control systems, for about 70 utilities and 20 large scientific applications. This approach was found to be key to the rapid commissioning of LCLS at SLAC. We present the first public description of the developed AIDA system since its early thinking at ICALEPCS 2001.

THP053 Experience with the SLAC Controls Architecture Evolving to the Needs of the LCLS 1
  • P. Krejcik, S. Allison, A. Chan, S. Chevtsov, P. Chu, D. Fairley, E. Grunhaus, D. Rogind, H. Shoaee, G. R. White, E. Williams, S. Zelazny
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SFO0515

The successful commissioning this year of the LCLS has been the culmination of a significant effort to integrate new, state-of-the-art controls with legacy controls of the SLAC linac. A distributed controls system of EPICS IOCs and Linux servers operates in conjunction with an older, centralized VMS system based on CAMAC and micros. High-level Java applications and scripts written in Matlab provide data acquisition and analysis tools for diagnosing, tuning and optimizing the machine. A RDB unites the configuration control, online modeling and reference beam data within a uniform schema. The Aida data access tool allows applications transparent access to data from either control system and has allowed engineers to control migration to new platforms without requiring changes to application code. Emphasis has shifted from using our SLC-aware IOC development to supporting a data bridge in the opposite direction to provide access for burgeoning applications on new platforms to data from the old control system. The challenge has been to provide such data synchronously with the timing system on a pulse-by-pulse basis at 120 Hz to support beam-based feedback and other applications.