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Gribov, Y.

Paper Title Page
TUP110 Conceptual Design of the ITER Plasma Control System 337
  • A. Winter, D. J. Campbell, Y. Gribov, W.-D. Klotz, L. Scibile, J. Snipes, A. Wallander, I. Yonekawa
    ITER, St Paul lez Durance
  This paper will describe the present state of the conceptual design of the Plasma Control System (PCS) on ITER. The PCS will be integrated into the ITER Control, Data Access and Communication system (CODAC). It uses data from the scenario and sequence algorithms, together with measurements from the diagnostic systems to produce outputs used to setup the necessary conditions for plasma operation, produce plasma, and control the evolution of the all of the plasma parameters that are necessary to operate ITER throughout all phases of the discharge. An overview will be given of what diagnostic input, type of physics algorithms, and actuator outputs the PCS will require to perform its control functions along with the present concept of its integration and interfaces with other CODAC systems such as the scheduling system and the Safety & Interlock systems. The layout of the various PCS subsystems will be presented, including wall conditioning and tritium removal, plasma axisymmetric & non-axisymmetric magnetic control, power and particle flux control to first wall and divertor, plasma kinetic control, non-axisymmetric stability control, and disruption mitigation and off-normal shutdown.