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Furukawa, K.

Paper Title Page
TUP068 Reconfigurable Embedded Interface System for High Energy Accelerators 239
  • N. Kanaya
    Ibaraki University, Electrical and Electronic Eng., Ibaraki
  • K. Furukawa
    KEK, Ibaraki
  Funding: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Ibaraki, Hitachi, Ibaraki, 316-0033, Japan *)High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) 1-1, Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,305-0801, Japan

A reconfigurable embedded interface system has been developed using micro-controllers for high energy accelerators. The system has up to 28 digital I/Os and 8-channel AD converters(10 bits), interrupt functions allowing control systems to access any accelerator components over the network. The components involve beam-position monitors, current monitors for bending magnets, ion pumps, vacuum valves, insertion devices, RF components, ion-gauges, and beamlines. The interface is programmed to carry out specific tasks in accordance with requirements for experiments and research purpose. The interface employs PIC micro-controllers, and it can be connected to the network. The interface is easily reconfigured using its boot-loader by uploading a new program from the remote distributed control system through the network. The test of the system has been successfully carried out for a monitoring system for AC power consumption at the control room of B-Factory, KEK. The design and implementation of the reconfigurable interface embedded system for high energy accelerators are described in this paper.

Mohd Ariff Bin Mohtar, Noriichi Kanaya, Takuya Saito, Shintaro Mori, Kazuro Furukawa*)

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WEP036 Development of Software for Event System in KEK Linac 1
  • S. Kusano, T. Kudou
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  • K. Furukawa, M. Satoh
    KEK, Ibaraki
  The KEK Linac injects the electron and positron beams into the KEKB-LER, KEKB-HER, PF and PF-AR rings with four different characteristics. In order to improve the beam operation efficiency, we have planned the simultaneous top-up operation for the PF and KEKB. The fast beam switching mechanisms are being developed and installed. For those mechanisms, the linac parameters of timing and low-level rf phase should be controlled in the pulse by pulse of 50 Hz. In this paper, we will present the event timing system to the KEK Linac control system in detail.  
WEP047 Upgrade of Readout System for Beam Position Monitors in the KEKB Beam Transport Line 495
  • T. Aoyama, T. Nakamura, K. Yoshii
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  • K. Furukawa, N. Iida, M. Satoh
    KEK, Ibaraki
  At the KEKB accelerator, electrons and positrons are injected from the LINAC to the storage ring through the beam transport (BT) line. LINAC had continuously injected each beam alternately every about a few minutes. In our linacs system, it is very important to switch acceleration devicesfrom electron mode to position and vica versa to keep high storage currents. To attain this, we have developed new readout system for the beam position monitors (BPMs) at the BT line, by which the fast monitoring is possible. For the old BPM system, it had been taken a few seconds to switch the beam modes and about one second to measure the beam positions. With the new system, measuring interval was achieved to be 20 msec, including switching time, and we demonstrated that new system contributed to stable beam operation. In this manuscript, we will report on a detail of the fast readout for the BT BPM system including its performance.  
WEP074 Upgrading the Control System of the Movable Masks for KEKB 546
  • T. Nakamura
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  • K. Furukawa, T. T. Nakamura, J.-I. Odagiri
    KEK, Ibaraki
  The positron ring and the electron ring of KEKB have their own dedicated movable masks to cut off spent electrons/positrons near the beam orbit to reduce background in the detector. The stepping motor drivers of the movable masks were controlled by a Programable Logic Controller (PLC), which was supervised by a VME-based IOC. The IOC and the PLC was connected with each other by using GP-IB interface for the communication. Recently, however, the GP-IB connection came to be unstable causing communication errors between the IOC and the PLC. In order to solve the problem, a new type of IOC, which runs Linux on a CPU module of FA-M3 PLC, has been adopted. The CPU functions with standard I/O modules of FA-M3 on the PLC-bus. In this control system, we replaced an existing ladder CPU with the IOC and the ladder program with an EPICS sequencer program for the efficiency of software development and ease of maintenance. The new IOC has been successfully serving since it was put in operation in September 2008. In this paper, we describe the details of the new control system and its experiences up to the date.  
WEP082 Embedded EPICS Controller for KEKB Pulsed Quadrupole Magnet Power Supply 558
  • K. Mikawa, K. Furukawa, T. Mimashi, J.-I. Odagiri
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • T. Nakamura
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  The pulsed quadrupole magnets have been installed in KEKB for the betatron tune adjustment. These magnets need to be controlled by the existing EPICS-based control system of the KEKB accelerator. While the control logic required for the operation of the magnet power supplies is rather conventional, it is preferable that we choose a front-end controller which allows us to develop and maintain the software in a highly efficient manner to cope with limited human resources. In order to satisfy this requirement, a new type of Input / Output Controller (IOC), which runs Linux on a CPU module of FA-M3 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), has been adopted. The CPU functions with normal I/O modules of FA-M3 on the PLC-bus. We found that replacing ladder programs with EPICS sequencer makes the development and maintenance of the software for the IOC considerably efficient. This paper describes the details of the new IOC and its experiences in KEKB operation including long term stability.  
WEP086 EPICS IOC of WindowsXP-based Oscilloscope for Fast BPM Data Acquisition System 567
  • M. Satoh, K. Furukawa, T. Suwada
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • T. Kudou, S. Kusano
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  In the KEK Linac, about 100 monitors (BPMs) are used for the beam orbit measurement. The previous data acquisition (DAQ) system consists of the VME and the digital oscilloscope. The maximum DAQ rate is about 1 Hz which is limited by an oscilloscope performance. We have developed the new DAQ system since we have an ongoing linac upgrade project aiming a fast beam-mode switch, in which the fast beam position measurement is strongly required up to 50 Hz. The new BPM DAQ system is a WindowsXP-based fast digital oscilloscope. The DAQ software has been initially developed by C++ and TekVISA. It acquires the waveform signal from the BPM electrodes and calculates the beam positions. It is very useful to run the DAQ software as an EPICS IOC since the most part of Linac parameters are accessible via EPICS protocol and they are archived by EPICS archiver. Recently, we developed the BPM DAQ software based on EPICS which can make the oscilloscope work as an EPICS IOC. The results of performance test show that the new DAQ software can work well up to 50 Hz. In this paper, we will describe the fast BPM DAQ software based on EPICS and the results of its performance evaluation in detail.  
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THP052 New Event-based Control System for Simultaneous Top-up Operation at KEKB and PF 765
  • K. Furukawa, T. T. Nakamura, M. Satoh, T. Suwada
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • A. Kazakov
    Sokendai, Ibaraki
  • T. Kudou, S. Kusano, T. Nakamura
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  The 8-GeV linac at KEK provides electrons and positrons to three ring accelerators of KEKB-HER, KEKB-LER and Photon Factory. Simultaneous top-up injections to those rings are carried for the ultimate experimental results at the both KEKB and PF facilities. An event-based fast control system was newly constructed overlapping the existent EPICS control system. The new system controls the distant equipment globally utilizing event modules from MRF and several other techniques. The event system enables fast controls from pico-second to milli-second range, and the conventional EPICS system covers slower controls. More than 100 parameters are driven globally by the event system every 20ms pulse in order to generate beams with three-times different energies and 100-times different charges. And more than 500 parameters are observed synchronously to ensure the beam operation. The system enables the future accelerator complex such as SuperKEKB as well. This paper describes the detailed design of the hardware and software structures, beam operation experiences, and possible extensions towards the future.  
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THP100 Present Status and Upgrade of VME Computer in KEKB 874
  • K. Yoshii, T. Nakamura
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  • K. Furukawa, E. Kikutani, K. Mori, T. T. Nakamura
    KEK, Ibaraki
  We controlled main equipment of the accelerator used Epics based control system at KEKB. We had stabilized operation and development in basics as the upper limit,and Epics3.13, the CPU(PPC 6750) which we used from startup time now. However, the speedup of the network and the speedup of the CPU advanced, and the part that cannot correspond under the present conditions has become a problem gradually. Therefore, the necessity of Epics and CPU upgrade has gradually risen to us. We started developpment including upgrade CPU with PPC-MVME5500 and Epics with 3.14 form 2006 at KEKB. We have succeeded in the VME control by CPU PPC-MVME5500 which carried VXI, Trigger Reciver, PVME501, advme1522, Camac so far. We were realized fiveplaces of operation at present KEKB. In addition, the replacement is scheduled to be advanced as upgrade of CPU and Epics in the future based on the result. Here, this reports on the present status and upgrade of VME computer at KEKB.  
THD005 Application of EPICS on F3RP61 to Accelerator Control 916
  • J.-I. Odagiri, S. Araki, K. Furukawa, N. Kamikubota, A. Kiyomichi, K. Mikawa, S. Murasugi, H. Nakagawa, T. T. Nakamura, S. Yamada, N. Yamamoto
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • K. Kameda, T. Natsui, H. Shiratsu
    Yokogawa, Tokyo
  • M. Komiyama
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako
  • S. Motohashi, M. Takagi
    Kanto Information Service (KIS), Accelerator Group, Ibaraki
  • N. Nagura
    Nippon Advanced Technology Co. Ltd., Ibaraki-prefecture
  • T. Nakamura
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba
  • A. Uchiyama
    SHI Accelerator Service ltd., Tokyo
  A new type of Input / Output Controller (IOC) has been developed based on F3RP61, a CPU module of FA-M3 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Since the CPU module runs Linux as its operating system, it takes no special effort to run EPICS IOC core program on the CPU module. With the aid of wide variety of I/O modules of FA-M3 PLC, the F3RP61-based IOC has various applications in accelerator control, such as magnet power supply control, monitoring interlock system, stepping motor control, data acquisition from beam monitors and so forth. The adoption of the new IOC makes the architecture of accelerator control systems simpler by unifying the two layers of front-end computers, i.e., the IOC layer and the PLC layer, into one layer. We found that the simplification of the control system architecture helps us to reduce the time and cost for the development and maintenance of the application software.