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Fukami, K.

Paper Title Page
TUP067 Magnet Power Supply Control System Using i-DIO FPGA Program in a VME Filed Bus Card 236
  • H. Takebe, T. Fukui, T. Hara, T. Otake, Y. Otake
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo
  • K. Fukami, T. Masuda
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  A Control system for the XFEL/SPring-8 magnet power supply was designed by using an FPGA program in the "i-DIO" card. This card is modified of the VME field bus card "Opt-VME DIO". An output current deviation, monitoring ADC data from DAC current set value, is checked and makes an alarm signal. The ADC data can be averaged in some special sequences commanded by an upper workstation. A local control system of the power supply is also achieved by the i-DIO. Magnet power supply total system and test operations with the newly developed i-DIO card will be reported.  
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THP072 Tune Tracking RFKO Bunch Purification with Bunch-by-bunch Feedback at SPring-8 803
  • T. Nakamura, T. Aoki, K. Fukami, K. Kobayashi, M. Shoji, H. Yonehara
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  The drift of a betatron tune from a RFKO driving tune reduces the betatron amplitude excited by RFKO. For the booster synchrotron in SPring-8, such tune drift occurs at on-demand operation for the top-up mode injection. To overcome this drift, we are developing a tune tracking RFKO system for bunch purification at the booster. In this system, The betatron motion of the main bunch was excited by positive feedback with which the excited amplitude is much less sensitive to the tune shift. The system is based on SPring-8 FPGA based bunch-by-bunch feedback processor and the kick signal produced by the feedback processor was send to the feedback kicker and the RFKO system for the purification. We describe the system and report some beam test result.