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Fitzek, J.

Paper Title Page
THP012 Evaluation of the LHC Software Architecture for Data Supply and Setting Management within the FAIR Control System 697
  • R. Mueller, J. Fitzek, D. Ondreka
    GSI, Darmstadt
  The future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) puts challenges on the existing machines and controls infrastructure at GSI and shows its limitations. A control system renovation is planned to control the much larger accelerator complex in a consistent way including the existing machines Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) and Synchrotron (SIS18). At CERN the LHC Software Architecture (LSA) is a working solution for settings management and data supply, which is designed in a very generic way. LSA was developed at CERN starting in 2001 as a core part of the controls software and is used for nearly the whole CERN accelerator complex. Because of its clear separation between data model, business logic and applications, it seems to be suitable and easily adaptable to GSI/FAIR. To analyze LSA in more detail, design how to adapt and extend it to GSI and FAIR needs and how to integrate it into the existing controls software at GSI, a prototype was set up. The existing SIS18 was modelled in LSA. Several tests are planned to use LSA for setting generation for different machine modes, e.g. fast extraction, KO extraction. The current state of evaluating LSA is presented here.  
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