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Enz, F.

Paper Title Page
WEP067 EPICS at Soft X-Ray Beamlines at DELTA 1
  • U. Berges, S. Doering, M. Schmidt
    DELTA, Dortmund
  • F. Enz
    ENZ, Berlin
  Funding: We want to thank the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen and the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, for their ongoing financial support.

The soft X-ray Beamlines at the synchrotron radiation source DELTA, located at the Technische Universität of Dortmund, Germany, are operated under EPICS. Some of the components and software of the soft X-ray beamline control system were developed in cooporation with the company ENZ in Berlin, Germany. A compact stepper motor driver unit for typically 8 axis with a small embedded LINUX-PC is now in routine operation at DELTA and at the Soft X-Ray Beamline at the Australian Synchroton near Melbourne. The same PC-system with modified software is used for readout of a current amplifier (LoCuM, build by the company ENZ). This setup is typically used for several photodiodes or a photon beam position monitor of the beamlines. The photon beam position monitoring is done in routine operation at all beamlines at DELTA with this system, allowing an easy and fast data exchange between accelerator and beamlines. During the last years a continous improvement and optimization of the systems has been done at DELTA to allow a routine operation of the soft X-ray beamlines and an easy maintenance of the system.