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Drochner, M.

Paper Title Page
WEP038 CompactPCI Express for Control Applications 480
  • H. Kleines, M. Drochner, W. Erven, M. Ramm
    FZJ, Jülich
  CompactPCI (CPCI) is well established in control applications as a standard for industrial PCs and as a standard for front-end instrumentation, e.g. by means of the transparent optical PCI/CPCI Bridge MXI-4 from National Instruments. In both application areas increasing performance requirements ask for a replacement of the parallel CPCI bus by a backplane based on high speed serial links, similar to the replacement of PCI by PCIe in the desktop environment. CompactPCI Express (CPCIe) and its derivative PXI Express (PXIe) both provide a smooth and cost-efficient transition path from CPCI to high speed serial links on the backplane. Forschungszentrum Jülich has developed a CPCIe carrier board for CMC daughter modules that is compatible to the SIS1100 boards from company Struck Innovative Systeme. The CPCIe carrierboard is based on a single lane PCIe implementation with the PEX8311 ASIC from PLX. A development environment has been setup, that consists of crates from Schroff, CPUs from MEN and the transparent electrical PXIe/PCIe bridge MXI-Express from National Instruments. The design and application of the new board as well first experiences with the new technology are presented.  
THP030 New Developments for the JCNS Neutron Scattering Instruments 727
  • M. Drochner, A. Erven, L. Fleischhauer-Fuss, J. Heinen, H. Kleines, D. Korolkov, S. Mattauch, M. Monkenbusch, M. Wagener
    FZJ, Jülich
  Since the Juelich 'Dido' research reactor was shut down 5 years ago, the larger part of its neutron scattering instruments was moved to the new FRM2 neutron source at Munich, and some newly constructed. While we used a set of standard components as far as feasible, we had to accept some compromises due to the time pressure to get things going. In particular, we have a number of different graphical and command-line user interfaces now which is difficult to handle for users who work on multiple instruments. After the initial rush, we are now working towards some consolidation, both on a common GUI philosophy and a high-level scripting language. The design of the new user interface will be presented.  
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