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Divall, E. J.

Paper Title Page
WEP015 Grid-enabling the Astra Gemini Laser Data 435
  • E. J. Divall, M. T. Gleaves, K. Hayrapetyan, A. Kidd, L. Lerusse, V. A. Marshall, S. Nagella, D. Neely, M. M. Notley, A. A. Pakhira, L. Sastry
    STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon
  Astra Gemini is a dual beam Ti:Sapphire laser capable of delivering up to 0.5 PW in each of its two beams*. The system can fire once every 20 seconds (producing over 1000 shots per day) and has over 200 diagnostic channels, including spectra, pulse length, traces, near and far-field images. This combination of multiple diagnostics and high shot rate leads to an unprecedented amount of performance and diagnostic data to save and analyse. To cope with this demand a system has been developed to automatically capture and analysis laser data on every shot, store it in an Oracle database and retrieve it on demand. A graphical user interface has been written to extract, sort and display the data in a tabular form. Powerful functions have been implemented to allow any parameters to be selected and plotted against one another to analyse performance trends and fluctuations. Metadata about each diagnostic can also be input to build a holistic picture of the laser system and help with future analysis. To increase the value it is planned to incorporate the target area experimental diagnostics into the system and make the data available to participating experimenters anywhere around the world.**

* http://www.clf.rl.ac.uk/reports/2007-2008/pdfs/s7/ar07-08s7commisioningthesouthbeam.pdf
** http://www.clf.rl.ac.uk/reports/2007-2008/pdfs/s7/ar07-08s7eclfprojectprogress.pdf

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