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Denis, J. F.

Paper Title Page
TUP076 Development of the Future Spiral2 Control System 257
  • E. Lecorche, P. Gillette, C. H. Haquin, E. Lemaitre, L. Philippe, D. T. Touchard
    GANIL, Caen
  • J. F. Denis, F. Gougnaud, J.-F. Gournay, Y. Lussignol, P. Mattei
    CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • P. G. Graehling, J. H. Hosselet, C. Maazouzi
    IPHC, Strasbourg Cedex 2
  The Spiral2 facility aims to provide rare ions beams using the ISOL method. It consists of a driver accelerator followed by the rare ion production process coupled with the existing Ganil machine. From the beginning of this year, one ion source followed by the first beam line section has been in test hence implying the first components of the control system. The whole accelerator should be commissioned in spring 2012 and the first exotic beams are planned one year later. Several institutes are collaborating for the control system design and Epics has been chosen as the basic framework. The architecture will rely on Linux PCs and servers, VME VxWorks IOCs and Siemens PLCs; equipment will be addressed either directly or using a Modbus/TCP field bus network. To ease the collaboration, a specific care has been taken concerning the software organisation and management both for the Epics developments and the Java high level applications. Under investigation are the evaluation of the Xal environment, the development of a triggered acquisition system and the design of an environment to generate the Epics databases from a relational database. Also, the first results obtained are presented.  
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