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Buteau, A.

Paper Title Page
TUB005 Experimental Data Storage Management in NeXus Format at Synchrotron SOLEIL 75
  • S. Poirier, A. Buteau, B. Gagey, P. Martinez, C. Maréchal, M. Mederbel, M. Ounsy, P. Pierrot, J. M. Rochat
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
  At Synchrotron SOLEIL, twenty Beamlines are already in operation and produce daily a lot of experimental data files in a range from a few Mb up to 10Gb. Almost all experimental data are stored using the NeXus data format [1]. It is a logical format based on a physical format HDF, able to store any kind of scientific data produced in Neutron or Synchrotron sources. Besides, the NeXus format allows recording experimental data together with all needed contextual like experiment, instrumentation, sample, user's information' Several tools are developed or under development at SOLEIL: a web data browser to retrieve, browse and download data, a command line tool used to export data from NeXus in ASCII or binary data file… The storage system is fully integrated into the Tango bus [2] through a set of dedicated devices. Therefore it's possible to record any data coming from Tango devices into a NeXus file. The storage system is designed to allow recording data from various data sources using a plug-in system. In terms of hardware, a high availability system with the innovator concept of cellular storage "Active Circle" [3] is used since December 2006.

[1] : http://www.nexusformat.org/MainPage
[2] : reference à "Status of the SOLEIL Control System, this conference"
[3] : http://www.active-circle.com/

TUP050 Making Continuous Integration a Reality for Control Systems on a Large Scale Basis 200
  • A. Buteau, S. Dupuy, V. H. Hardion, S. Le, M. Ounsy, G. Viguier
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
  To support and maintain the Control Systems of a Synchrotron Source, complexity can become quickly hardly manageable due to the large number of software components and of different deployed versions. At SOLEIL, it appeared to us very early that a strategic goal was to be able to deploy, everywhere and whenever needed, the same version of software packages . A rigorous development organization and configuration management make possible the production of software packages based on release tags put by developers on each software module. Classical open source continuous integration tools (MAVEN, CONTINUUM) on the Java side, and home made batch scripts on the C++ side, allow to produce packages. The packages are deployed during each Machine shutdown on the almost 20 SOLEIL control systems, via system tools (rsync, …). To make acceptable for people in charge of installations (Accelerators or Beamlines) operation, the continuous software changes rhythm, good communication and tests organization are very important to face with software regressions or local incompatibility. Our conclusion will give feedback of 2 operation years using this "software continuous integration" scheme.  
TUP085 Status of the SOLEIL Control System 1
  • A. Buteau, P. Betinelli, B. Gagey
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
  SOLEIL* is a 3rd generation Synchrotron Source located in France near Paris. Early 2009, it delivers photon beam to 20 beamlines with global reliability better than 95%. We will describe the status of the installation and operation of the control systems for the accelerators and beamlines. Hardware status for motion systems, controls and data acquisitions will be given. All software developments are based on the Tango framework, using it, not only as a "traditional control system" but in a more general way as a service-oriented middleware interconnecting SOLEIL's applications. We will show figures and examples of the TANGO software components developed and used. On the supervision layer, SOLEIL uses an industrial SCADA (GlobalScreen) as an integration tool of the JavaBeans components developed with the TANGO ATK graphical framework. Supervision applications are the result of a collaborative work between "pure software developers" and "occasional" supervision applications developers. The work organization, the software architecture and current status at SOLEIL will be given. We will conclude with some statistics about Controls stability and quality after 3 years of operation.

*: http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr/

THD001 Integrating High Level Applications and Software Components Using a SCADA Tool 904
  • K. S. Saintin, A. Buteau, V. H. Hardion, M. Ounsy
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
  To build integrated high level applications, SOLEIL is using an original component oriented approach based on GlobalSCREEN*, an industrial Java SCADA. The first kind of components is made up on top of the ATK (Application Tango Toolkit) library: a rich set of Java graphical widgets, including scientific data visualization tools, and encapsulating TANGO communication. More complex components are Java Rich Client applications providing a high level of service and ergonomic layouts to the end user: data logging access, scanning services, sequencing setup and control. Packaged as JavaBeans in GlobalSCREEN's components library, all these components are ready to use by means of drag-dropping and properties configuration to connect them to the control system. So, using GlobalSCREEN as a Rich Client Platform allows non experienced developers to quickly build, without writing any Java code, very complex and fully integrated applications dedicated for example to the end users of a beamline. The work organization, the software architecture and design of the whole system will be presented, as well as the current status of deployment at SOLEIL for the Accelerators and the Beamlines.

*: http://www.ordinal.fr/