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Bobnar, J.

Paper Title Page
TUP034 New ACOP Beans and TINE General Purpose Diagnostic Applications 161
  • P. Duval, M. Lomperski
    DESY, Hamburg
  • J. Bobnar, I. Kriznar, T. Kusterle
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  • S. Weisse
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  One of the strengths of the TINE* control system is the ability to easily make 'simple-client' and 'rich-client' applications. All applications are based on an extensive Java graphics library ACOP**, which provides a vast set of Java Beans for presenting and setting the control system values, such as Slider, Wheelswitch, Button etc. Using any of the standard Rapid Application Development Tools the operators can easily design their own 'simple-client' applications, which are now only a few mouse clicks away. In addition, there are also a large number of 'rich-client', general purpose applications, which offer extensive interactions with the standard TINE systems, such as archiv, alarm, and post-mortem system, as well as scope trace, multi-channel and video analysis, FEC statistics, and general configuration management. Available for many years, these applications have recently been implemented as Java applications using the ACOP beans. They have been iteratively improved and refined after many months of being used by the operators and other users. We offer here a description of these applications as well as the description of the newest ACOP beans available in the ACOP library.

* http://tine.desy.de
** http://cosylib.cosylab.com/pub/acop/site

THP047 A New DAQ Installation for the SIS18 Beam Position Monitoring System at GSI 759
  • T. Hoffmann, K. Höppner, P. Kowina, K. Lang, M. Schwickert
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • J. Bobnar, G. Jansa, S. Sah, M. Sekoranja, I. Verstovsek
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  The BPM system for the heavy ion synchrotron SIS18 consists of 12 shoe-box pick-ups. Their analog signals are digitized by Libera Hadron units, manufactured by I-Tech, Slovenia. In addition, the Libera is used for an FPGA based online position calculation. Due to this high rate of 12 times 60 MB/s at 5 MHz bunch frequency, a dedicated 10 bit network is used to concentrate the data from all Liberas on two concentrator PCs. Besides all control actions, these PCs are running the DAQ server applications, developed and produced within the CERN made Front-End Software Architecture (FESA).These servers are also used for further data manipulation such as tune and closed orbit measurements. As a mediator between the FESA front-end and the JAVA GUI application level, the CMW/RDA middleware, also developed at CERN, is used. Due to the modular layout, the system is already extensible for the SIS 100 and SIS300 BPM systems at the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). The implementation of the high speed data transfer, the FESA servers and the Java GUI application is presented.