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Barana, O.

Paper Title Page
TUP087 Control and Data Acquisition for the ITER Ion Source Test Facility 281
  • A. Luchetta, O. Barana, A. Barbalace, G. Manduchi, A. Soppelsa, C. Taliercio
    Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, Padova
  Funding: Fusion For Energy, Barcelona (Spain), F4E GRANT F4E-2008-GRT-011-01(PMS-H. CD)

SPIDER is a test facility, under development in Italy to start operation in 2013, to develop and test the full size negative ion source for the ITER heating and diagnostic neutral beam injectors. Its nominal requirements are: ion beam in H- or D- accelerated at 100keV, ion current 40/60A in D-/H-, beam duration 3600s. A set of diagnostics will measure the source and beam parameters, including thermocouples, calorimetry, emission/absorption spectroscopy, electrical, vacuum, radiation, caesium sensors, and electrostatic probes. Operation will be through an integrated control and data acquisition system structured into three independent tiers (control, interlock, safety) and three hierarchical levels (Central, Subsystems, Plant System Units) requiring 10MHz synchronous clock distribution, slow/fast control cycle times down to 10ms/100us, acquisition of 1000 analogue channels / 70 images with sampling rates up to 100MHz / 50-100Hz, data throughput <110MByte/s, data storage volume <400GByte/pulse and <10-100TByte/year. The paper presents the requirements and the design of the control and data acquisition system, illustrating in details the design criteria and technological choices.

WEP062 Analysis of the Control System of ICE, the Insulation and Cooling Test Facility for the Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector 522
  • O. Barana, P. Agostinetti, P. Barbato, M. Boldrin, M. Breda, F. Fantini, F. Fellin, A. Luchetta, M. Moressa, W. Rigato, A. Rizzolo, C. Taliercio
    Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, Padova
  Consorzio RFX will host two experimental devices to address the main issues of the ITER Heating Neutral Beam Injectors (HNBIs): SPIDER (Source for the Production of Ions of Deuterium Extracted from Rf plasma), an ion source at low extraction voltage (100 kV), and MITICA (Megavolt ITer Injector and Concept Advancement), a HNBI at 1 MV. ICE (Insulation and Cooling Experiment) is a test facility developed at Consorzio RFX to tackle significant SPIDER and MITICA technological aspects that require a preliminary study. The ICE control system is mainly based on commercial off-the-shelf products. It is composed of three tiers: automation, supervision and data logging. The automation tier is based on Siemens PLC technology. The supervision tier relies on the commercial PVSS SCADA system that is widely used at CERN. The data logging tier, the only part of the ICE control system not based on industrial products, extends the functionalities of MDSplus, a framework for the management of scientific data. This paper analyses the ICE control system, describing the three tiers and explaining the reasons for the choices. A preliminary description of the ICE control modes is supplied too.  
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