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Augustinus, A.

Paper Title Page
TUP093 The ALICE Detector Control System, Ready for First Collisions 295
  • A. Augustinus, M. Boccioli, P. Ch. Chochula, G. De Cataldo, L. Granado Cardoso, L. S. Jirden, M. Lechman, P. Rosinsky, C. Torcato de Matos, L. Wallet
    CERN, Geneva
  ALICE is one of the four experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). The commissioning of the LHC in 2008 allowed the experiment to record the first particle induced events and is now preparing for the first collisions foreseen autumn 2009. The experiment is composed of 18 sub-detectors each with numerous subsystems that need to be controlled and operated in a safe and efficient way. The Detector Control System (DCS) is the key for this. The DCS system has been used with success during the commissioning of the individual detectors as well as during the cosmic runs and the LHC injection tests that were carried out in 2008. It was proven that through the DSC a complex experiment can be controlled by single operator. This paper describes the architecture of the Detector Control System and the key components that allowed to come to a homogeneous control system. Examples of technical implementations are given. Improvements that have beem implemented, based on a critical review of the first operational experiences are highlighted. It will report on the current status and operational experiences leading up to first physics collisions.  
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WEP077 Device Control in ALICE 552
  • L. S. Jirden, A. Augustinus, M. Boccioli, P. Ch. Chochula, L. Wallet
    CERN, Geneva
  The ALICE experiment, devoted to heavy ion collision studies, is one of the four large detectors of the 27 km Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The experiment saw the first circulating beams in September 2008 and is preparing for the first collisions in autumn 2009. The ALICE experiment is composed of 18 sub-detectors, each with up to 15 different sub-systems, such as high voltage, front-end electronics, that need to be controlled with a high level of reliability. The development of a coherent control system for all the various sub-systems and a large variety of devices is a major challenge. In order to assure safe operation of the experiment, each device needs to be configured, controlled, and monitored and all the data involved must be properly refreshed, monitored and stored. The device control is mainly based on OPC, and PVSS SCADA systems customized by CERN. This paper describes the device control architecture, and how it ensures safe and coherent operation using the OPC server / client technology. It also discusses the impact of the communication performance for large-scale control systems dealing with large amounts of data and how this has been optimized.