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Acar, M.

Paper Title Page
WEP084 Remote Controls for the Active Alignment System of the LHC Low Beta Quadrupoles 564
  • M. Acar, E. Blanco, D. Martin-Gomez, J. P. Palluel
    CERN, Geneva
  The low beta quadrupole magnets in the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator are installed in high radiation areas next to the experiments. A fully remote positioning control system based on motorized jacks has been implemented to align the magnets in real time. The system is also equipped with sophisticated survey sensors based mainly on hydrostatic leveling and stretched-wire position systems. Dedicated monitoring and control applications have been developed to allow the LHC operation team to supervise this complex system from the CERN Control Center. This paper gives an overview of the present controls architecture and describes the new operational tools developed to assist the beam operation.