The NIF Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS) is a large-scale distributed system with 60,000 control points and 850 computers. The software engineering team delivers updates throughout the year to deliver new functionality for commissioning activities and automated shots. In 2006 there were 48 software releases, including 29 full releases and 19 patches resulting in a code base of 1.4 MSLOC. To ensure the quality of the delivered software, thousands of manual and automated regression and verification tests are performed on the code and GUIs using a Test Controller infrastructure developed by the test group. The infrastructure manages test case inventory, test planning, automated and manual test execution, and generation of test reports. A web browser interface provides test services, searchable test results and dynamic status reports to users. The Test Controller manages the three-stage quality control process of integration, offline and online testing, which assesses and assures the quality of each release. This talk will present the requirements, design and results of this comprehensive software testing infrastructure.