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TPPB15 |
The CSNS Controls Plan
196 |
- X. C. Kong, Q. Le, G. Lei, G. Li, J. Liu, J. C. Wang, X. L. Wang, G. X. Xu, Z. Zhao, C. H. Wang
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is an accelerator-based high-power project currently under planning in China. For the similarities between the CSNS and the U. S. Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), the SNS control framework will be used as a model for the machine controls. And the software framework used at SNS, XAL, is a natural choice for the CSNS. This paper provides a controls overview and progress. Also, the technical plan, schedule, and personnel plan are discussed.
RPPB11 |
EPICS CA Gateway Employment in the BEPCII Network
627 |
- J. Liu, C. H. Wang, Y. H. Wang, Z. Zhao, X. H. Huang
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
The control network of the BEPCII is divided into two separate different subnets. In order to access IOC PVs between the separate subnets as well as IOC PVs from the campus network, we adopt EPICS CA gateway in the BEPCII network. This paper describes the EPICS CA gateway employment and network management in the BEPCII .