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Zagar, K.

Paper Title Page
TPPA20 Canone – A Highly-Interactive Web-Based Control System Interface 129
  • A. J. Green
    University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  • K. Zagar, M. Pelko
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  • L. Zambon
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  In the recent years, usability of web applications has significantly improved, approaching that of rich desktop applications. Example applications are numerous, e.g., many different web applications from Google. The enabling driver for these developments is the AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) architecture. Canone, originally a PHP web interface for Tango control system developed at Elettra, is one of the first attempts of long-distance interaction with the control system via Web. Users with suitable privileges can create panels consisting of various graphical widgets for monitoring and control of the process variables of the control system online. Recently, Canone was extended to interact with a control system through an abstract DAL (Data Access Layer) interface, making it applicable to EPICS and TINE as well. Also, the latest release of Canone comes with drag'n'drop functionality for creating the panels, making the framework even easier to use. This article discusses the general issues of the web-based interaction with the control system such as security, usability, network traffic and scalability, and presents the approach taken by Canone.  
WPPB15 Beyond PCs: Accelerator Controls on Programmable Logic 433
  • J. Dedic, K. Zagar, M. Plesko
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  The large number of gates in modern FPGAs including processor cores allows implementation of complex designs, including a core implementing Java byte-code as the instruction set. Instruments based on FPGA technology are composed only of digital parts and are totally configurable. Based on experience gained on our products (a delay generators producing sub-nanosecond signals and function generators producing arbitrary functions of length in the order of minutes) and on our research projects (a prototype hardware platform for real-time Java, where Java runtime is the operating system and there is no need for Linux), I will speculate about possible future scenarios: A combination of an FPGA processor core and custom logic will provide all control tasks, slow and hard real-time, while keeping our convenient development environment for software such as Eclipse. I will illustrate my claims with designs for tasks such as low-latency PID controllers running at several dozen MHz, sub-nanosecond resolution timing, motion control, and a versatile I/O controller–all implemented in real-time Java and on exactly the same hardware, just with different connectors.  
RPPB14 Systematic Production of Beamline and Other Turnkey Control Systems 632
  • A. Kosrmlj, R. Sabjan, I. Verstovsek, K. Zagar, G. Pajor
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  Turnkey oriented accelerator control system production is often quite complex and challenging. It involves software development as well as substantial project management effort and, almost always, an on-site installation. Most of the labs have developed solutions that to some extent support such processes, but are tailored to the lab's particular needs and environment. We could not recycle these solutions, as we had to keep the choices open for defining the naming convention and choosing the operating system, platform, and even the control system. Based on our experience with control systems, we have defined a complete set of processes that prescribe the highest level of quality and efficiency in all the project segments. To implement these processes, we have developed a number of tools for composing, configuring, and deploying the control system software. Use of these tools enforces strict version control and traceability, enables centralized configuration of the system, and largely reduces the possibility of human errors. These tools also enable us to reuse well-tested building blocks, leaving us more time for system-wide quality assurance.