- J. W. Farthing
UKAEA Culham, Culham, Abingdon, Oxon
- M. Greenwald
MIT/PSFC, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- I. Yonekawa
JAEA/NAKA, Ibaraki-ken
- J. B. Lister
ITER, St Paul lez Durance
Since the last ICALEPCS conference, a number of issues have been studied in the conceptual design of the ITER Control, Data Access, and Communication Systems. Almost all of the technical challenges have seen workable approaches selected. The conceptual design will be reviewed in 2007, before starting the preliminary engineering design. One software component that does not have a clear solution is the execution of data-driven schedules to operate the installation at multiple levels, from daily program management to plasma feedback control. Recent developments in workflow products might be useful. The present conceptual weakness is not having found a satisfactory "universal" description of the I&C design process for the "self-description" of the 100 procured Plant Systems. A vital CODAC design feature is to operate the full plant on the basis of imported self-description data, which necessarily includes the process description in each Plant System. The targeted formal link between 3-D design, process design, and process control has not yet been created. Some of the strawman designs meeting the technical requirements will be mentioned in detail.