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TOAA03 |
Status of the X-Ray FEL Control System at SPring-8
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- T. Hirono, N. Hosoda, M. Ishii, T. Masuda, T. Matsushita, T. Ohata, M. T. Takeuchi, R. Tanaka, A. Yamashita
JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
- M. K. Kitamura, H. Maesaka, Y. Otake, K. Shirasawa
RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
- T. Fukui
RIKEN, Hyogo
The X-ray FEL project at SPring-8 aims to build an X-ray lasing facility, which will generate brilliant coherent X-ray beams with wavelength of below 0.1nm. A combination of short-period in-vacuum undulators and an 8GeV high-gradient C-band linear accelerator makes the machine compact enough to fit into the SPring-8 1km-long beamline space. The machine commissioning will be started by March 2011. We designed the control system for the new machine based on the present SCSS test accelerator, which employs the MADOCA framework. The control system is based on the so-called standard model and composed of Linux-based operator consoles, database servers, Gigabit Ethernet, VMEbus system, and so on. The control system, also, has a synchronized data-taking scheme to achieve beam-based optics tuning. Most of the device control part is installed in water-cooled 19in. racks together with RF devices for temperature control, which guarantees stable RF phase control. This paper gives an overview of the project and describes the design of the control system. In addition, we briefly report the status of the SCSS test accelerator operated as a VUV-FEL user facility.
WOAB03 |
Development of Accelerator Management Systems with GIS
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- Y. Ishizawa, A. Yamashita
JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
We have been developing accelerator management systems for SPring-8 on Geographic Information System (GIS). Those systems are, in short, "Google maps for accelerators". Users enjoy interactive acclerator maps on web browsers with zooming, panning, ruler, image overlay and multi-layer display features. We applied an open-source GIS, MapServer, for the systems. We have build two web-based systems on MapServer. Accelerator inventory management system displays equipment locations on the map reading data from a relational database. It displays not only locations of equipment but also detailed attributes by clicking symbols on the interactive map. Users also can enter their own data or upload their own files from the web browser to store into the database. Another SCSS alarm system desplays real-time alarm locations on the map. The alarm database build on the MADOCA system serves real-time and static data for alarm display. We will show mechanism and development of those systems in the paper.