- S. Chevtsov, P. Chu, D. Fairley, C. Larrieu, D. Rogind, H. Shoaee, M. Woodley, S. Zelazny, G. R. White
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
The operational tools at SLAC have been in continuous development for 20 years. These include a highly developed orbit correction package, an automatic bump maker, orbit fitting, lattice diagnostics, beta-matching and phase advance calculator, a macro recording facility, "Correlation Plots," which is a facility for conducting small ad-hoc experiments, plus a number of others. All of these use a global online modeling database system, and they are all integrated into a single interactive application program, so they interoperate seamlessly. In this talk I'll review these tools, and contrast them with systems we have recently developed which focus on support for accelerator physics conducted directly from numerical analysis packages such as Matlab, or from physicists' own small specialized programs. Lastly, our plans to rewrite all of these operational tools using modern software tools and infrastructure, and how we bridge old systems to new, will be presented.