Paper | Title | Page |
TOAB03 | ALICE Control System Ready for LHC Operation | 65 |
ALICE is one of the four LHC experiments presently being built at CERN and due to start operations by the end of 2007. The experiment is being built by a very large worldwide collaboration; about 1000 collaborators and 85 institutes are participating. The construction and operation of the experiment pose many technical and managerial problems, and this also applies to the design, implementation, and operation of the control system. The control system is technically challenging, representing a major increase in terms of size and complexity with respect to previous-generation systems, and the managerial issues are of prime importance due to the widely scattered contributions. This paper is intended to give an overview of the status of the control system. It will describe the overall structure and give some examples of chosen controls solutions, and it will highlight how technical and managerial challenges have been met. The paper will also describe how the various subsystems are integrated to form a coherent control system, and it will finally give some hints on the first experiences and an outlook of the forthcoming operation. | ||
TPPA22 | Standard Device Control via PVSS Object Libraries in ALICE | 135 |
The device control in the LHC experiments is based on OPC servers and PVSS SCADA systems. A software framework enables the user to set up his PVSS project for the different devices used. To achieve a homogeneous operational environment for the ALICE experiment, these devices need to be controlled thought standard interfaces. PVSS panels act as the upper control layer and should allow for full control of the devices. The PVSS object-oriented feature has allowed the development of device Object Libraries. The Object Libraries have two main advantages. On one hand, they ease the operator task thanks to the introduced standardization of the various device control panels. On the other hand, they reduce the developers job as only basic software knowledge is required to set up a control application for a standard device. This paper will describe the device control architecture including PVSS, software framework, and OPC server. It will describe the Object Libraries developed for some devices, and it will explain how the Object Libraries integrate tools in the ALICE controls environment, such as Finite State Machines, access control, and trending.
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment)LHC (Large Hadron Collider)OPC (Ole for Process Control)SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) |