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WPPA12 |
The STAR Slow Control System - Upgrade Status
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- M. G. Cherney, J. Fujita, W. T. Waggoner, Y. N. Gorbunov
Creighton University, Omaha, NE
The STAR (Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC) experiment located at Brookhaven National Laboratory has been studying relativistic heavy ion collisions since it began operation in the summer of 2000. An EPICS-based hardware controls system monitors the detector's 40000 operating parameters. The system I/O control uses VME processors and PCs to communicate with sub-system based sensors over a variety of field busses. The system also includes interfaces to the accelerator and magnet control systems, an archiver with CGI web based interface and C++ based communication between STAR online system, run control and hardware controls and their associated databases. An upgrade project is underway. This involves the migration of 60% of the I/O control from the aging VME processors to PC's. The host system has been transferred from Sun OS to Scientific Linux and some of the VME boards were replaced with "softIOC" applications. The experience gained with the current setup will be discussed, and upgrade plans and progress will be outlined.