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WOPA05 |
Evolution of Visual DCT
313 |
- M. Sekoranja, I. Verstovsek, J. Bobnar
Cosylab, Ljubljana
Visual DCT (Visual Database Configuration Tool) became the most advanced and popular graphical EPICS database configuration tool for creating, editing and debugging EPICS databases. EPICS is a widely used control system based on a real-time database configured via ASCII files. The most recent development achievements in Eclipse IDE, which is also a RCP application portable to many operating systems since it is written in Java, brought another perspective to development of Visual DCT. Using Eclipse GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) for graphical features and EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) for database code generation makes it possible for Visual DCT to become a part of the Eclipse IDE. Using Eclipse as the framework for application automatically adds common features as plug-in support, debugging tools and many others. In addition, Visual DCT could be used as a part of the CSS (Control System Studio) allowing easy handling of EPICS databases using MB3 (mouse button 3) and drag and drop functionalities.
RPPB14 |
Systematic Production of Beamline and Other Turnkey Control Systems
632 |
- A. Kosrmlj, R. Sabjan, I. Verstovsek, K. Zagar, G. Pajor
Cosylab, Ljubljana
Turnkey oriented accelerator control system production is often quite complex and challenging. It involves software development as well as substantial project management effort and, almost always, an on-site installation. Most of the labs have developed solutions that to some extent support such processes, but are tailored to the lab's particular needs and environment. We could not recycle these solutions, as we had to keep the choices open for defining the naming convention and choosing the operating system, platform, and even the control system. Based on our experience with control systems, we have defined a complete set of processes that prescribe the highest level of quality and efficiency in all the project segments. To implement these processes, we have developed a number of tools for composing, configuring, and deploying the control system software. Use of these tools enforces strict version control and traceability, enables centralized configuration of the system, and largely reduces the possibility of human errors. These tools also enable us to reuse well-tested building blocks, leaving us more time for system-wide quality assurance.
RPPB15 |
Management System Tailored to Research Institutes
635 |
- J. K. Kamenik, P. Kolaric, I. Verstovsek
Cosylab, Ljubljana
As with all disciplines, project management has a set of rules that must be followed and a set of recommendations that make work easier. But as in all engineering, there is no single magical formula or equation, no matter how much managers and physicists alike would love to have it. We present a working solution tailored to academic projects that requires only a minimum of effort and discipline and results in huge benefits, which will be presented in this article. Commercially available project management tools are not suited to manage the diversity of work in research institutes. We have therefore adopted a set of open source tools, implemented some custom additions, and integrated the tools into a coherent product to suit our purpose. It enables developers to track their work and communicate effectively, project managers to monitor progress of individual projects, and management to supervise critical parameters of the company at any time. In the article, the experiences gained by using the system are presented. As it has turned out in practice, the product is also ideal for research institutes, as is demonstrated by its use in control groups of DESY and ANKA.