The Turkic Accelerator Center (TAC) project has been accepted by Turkish government. According to this project, a linac-based infrared oscillator free electron laser (FEL) will be constructed as a TAC test facility by the end of 2010. Planning work has been ongoing for the firt FEL facility building in Turkey. Both 20- and 40-MeV electron energies will be used to obtain infrared photons in the wavelength region of 1 to 100 micrometers. The IR FEL photons generated by two undulators will be transported through the respestive two photon beam lines to the experimental hall, where they are fed in to eight experimental station. Photon diagnostic station will be located in the experimental hall to measure the properties of the photon beam. In this work, the performance of the designed IR-FEL photon diagnostic station for the TAC test facility has been discussed.