The French Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA) is currently building the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ), a 240-beam laser facility, at the CEA Laboratory CESTA near Bordeaux. LMJ will be a cornerstone of CEA's "Programme Simulation," the French Stockpile Stewardship Program. LMJ is designed to deliver about 2 MJ of 0.35 μm light to targets for high energy density physics experiments, including fusion experiments. LMJ technological choices were validated with the Ligne d'Intégration Laser (LIL), a scale 1 prototype of one LMJ bundle, built at CEA/CESTA. Plasma experiments started at the end of 2004 on LIL. The construction of the LMJ building itself started in March 2003. An important milestone was successfully achieved in November 2006 with the introduction of the target chamber into the building. LMJ will be gradually commissioned from 2011 and will then begin an experimental program toward fusion. The presentation discusses LIL experience feedback, transverse requirements intended to ultimately federate control packages from different contractors, strategy for developing the Centralized Supervisory Controls, and process for computer control system global integration.