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RPPA35 |
The DIAMON Project Monitoring and Diagnostics for the CERN Controls Infrastructure
588 |
- M. Buttner, J. Lauener, K. Sigerud, M. Sobczak, N. Stapley, P. Charrue
CERN, Geneva
The CERN accelerators controls infrastructure spans over large geographical distances and accesses a big diversity of equipment. In order to ensure smooth beam operation, efficient monitoring and diagnostic tools are required by the operators, presenting the state of the infrastructure and offering guidance for the first line support. The DIAMON project intends to deploy software monitoring agents in the controls infrastructure, each agent running predefined local tests and sending its result to a central service. A highly configurable graphical interface will exploit these results and present the current state of the controls infrastructure. Diagnostic facilities to get further details on a problem and first aid to repair it will also be provided. This paper will describe the DIAMON projects scope and objectives as well as the user requirements. Also presented will be the system architecture and the first operational version.
RPPB03 |
Alarms Configuration Management
606 |
- R. Martini, K. Sigerud, N. Stapley, A. S. Suwalska, P. Sollander
CERN, Geneva
The LHC alarm service, LASER, is the alarm tool used by the operators for the accelerators and the technical services at CERN. To ensure that the alarms displayed are known and understood by the operators, each alarm should go through a well-defined procedure from its definition to being accepted in operation. In this paper we describe the workflow to define alarms for the technical services at CERN. We describe the different stages of the workflow like equipment definition, alarm information specification, control system configuration, test, and final acceptance in operation. We also describe the tools available to support each stage and the actors involved. Although the use of a strict workflow will limit the number of alarms that arrive to LASER and ensure that they are useful for operations, for a large complex like CERN there are still potentially many alarms displayed at one time. Therefore the LASER tool provides facilities for the operators to manage and reduce the list of alarms displayed. The most important of these facilities are described, together with other important services like automatic GSM and/or e-mail notification and alarm system monitoring.