Visual DCT (Visual Database Configuration Tool) became the most advanced and popular graphical EPICS database configuration tool for creating, editing and debugging EPICS databases. EPICS is a widely used control system based on a real-time database configured via ASCII files. The most recent development achievements in Eclipse IDE, which is also a RCP application portable to many operating systems since it is written in Java, brought another perspective to development of Visual DCT. Using Eclipse GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) for graphical features and EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) for database code generation makes it possible for Visual DCT to become a part of the Eclipse IDE. Using Eclipse as the framework for application automatically adds common features as plug-in support, debugging tools and many others. In addition, Visual DCT could be used as a part of the CSS (Control System Studio) allowing easy handling of EPICS databases using MB3 (mouse button 3) and drag and drop functionalities.