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TOAB01 |
The New FAIR Accelerator Complex at GSI: Project, Controls Challenges, and First Steps
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- U. Krause, W. Panschow, V. R.W. Schaa, W. Schiebel, P. Schuett, R. Baer
GSI, Darmstadt
An international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) was proposed by GSI in 2001 and is currently under development. This new accelerator complex will be a significant extension to the existing GSI accelerator chain and will provide a range of particle beams from protons and antiprotons to ion beams of all elements up to uranium, as well as secondary beams of short-lived rare isotope beams. The central parts of the FAIR facility are a superconducting double-ring synchrotron and a system of storage rings. This presentation covers the status and scope of the FAIR project and its technical and organizational challenges, in particular in respect to the accelerator control system. As many parts of the new FAIR facility will be independently developed as in-kind contributions by international FAIR partner institutes, one significant point is integration and interface management. Among many other aspects, one important technical consideration is a high degree of parallel beam operation for the different research programs that imposes ambitious demands on the timing and cycle management system. We will discuss first steps towards a new FAIR control system.