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TPPA13 |
High-level Application Framework for LCLS
114 |
- S. Chevtsov, D. Fairley, C. Larrieu, J. Rock, D. Rogind, G. R. White, S. Zelazny, P. Chu
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
A framework for high-level accelerator application software has been planned for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The framework is based on plug-in technology developed by the Eclipse open-source project. Many existing functionalities provided by Eclipse are available to high-level applications written within this framework. The framework contains static data storage, configuration, and dynamic data connectivity, as well as modeling through XAL and MAD. Additionally, because the framework is Eclipse-based, it is highly compatible with any other Eclipse plug-ins, such as Control System Studio. The entire infrastructure of the software framework will be presented. Applications and plug-ins based on the framework are also presented.