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TPPB38 |
Status of the ERLP Control System
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- G. Cox, A. Oates
STFC/DL, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire
- S. V. Davis, A. J. Duggan, A. Quigley, R. V. Rotheroe, B. G. Martlew
STFC/DL/SRD, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire
The Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (ERLP) is a 35 Mev superconducting linac currently being commissioned at Daresbury Laboratory. Its purpose is to demonstrate the technology necessary to design and build a 600 Mev energy recovery linac (4GLS), which, together with a suite of XUV, VUV, and IR FELs, can be used to undertake pump-probe experiments to investigate dynamic systems. The ERLP control system is based on EPICS, VME64x hardware, and the vxWorks operating system. Status control and interlock protection are handled by a Daresbury-designed CANbus system that has been tightly integrated into EPICS. Construction and commissioning of ERLP have taken place in parallel, and this introduced a number of problems in the planning and implementation of the control system. This paper describes the ERLP control system and disusses the successes and difficulties encountered during the early phases of commissioning. Plans are already in place to extend the control system to cover EMMA, a novel, non-scaling, fixed-field alternating gradient (FFAG) accelerator that will be added to ERLP in 2008/9.