The X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) is a new accelerator currently under construction at DESY. It will be a powerful X-ray source for many scientific disciplines ranging from physics, chemistry, and biology to material sciences, geophysics, and medical diagnostics. The commissioning is planned in 2014, and the preparation of the control system was started. The XFEL makes high demands on the control system and its user interface. For this reason jddd, a new Java Data Display program for the Distributed Object-Oriented Control System (DOOCS), has been developed. jddd is a graphical editor for designing and running control panels. The editors functionality is similar to standard IDEs like NetBeans or Eclipse. Complex control panels can easily be created without programming. jddd offers all components needed for control panel design. The Components are reusable Java Beans like labels, buttons, plots, and complex dynamic components as Switches. The jddd panel structure is stored in an xml format. jddd is a further development of the DOOCS data display (ddd) program. For compatibility reasons the old ddd storage format can be converted to the new jddd xml format.