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TPPA20 |
Canone A Highly-Interactive Web-Based Control System Interface
129 |
- A. J. Green
University of Cambridge, Cambridge
- K. Zagar, M. Pelko
Cosylab, Ljubljana
- L. Zambon
ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
In the recent years, usability of web applications has significantly improved, approaching that of rich desktop applications. Example applications are numerous, e.g., many different web applications from Google. The enabling driver for these developments is the AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) architecture. Canone, originally a PHP web interface for Tango control system developed at Elettra, is one of the first attempts of long-distance interaction with the control system via Web. Users with suitable privileges can create panels consisting of various graphical widgets for monitoring and control of the process variables of the control system online. Recently, Canone was extended to interact with a control system through an abstract DAL (Data Access Layer) interface, making it applicable to EPICS and TINE as well. Also, the latest release of Canone comes with drag'n'drop functionality for creating the panels, making the framework even easier to use. This article discusses the general issues of the web-based interaction with the control system such as security, usability, network traffic and scalability, and presents the approach taken by Canone.
WPPB20 |
Extended MicroIOC Family (LOCO)
439 |
- D. Golob, R. Kovacic, M. Pelko, M. Plesko, A. Podborsek, M. Kobal
Cosylab, Ljubljana
MicroIOC is an affordable, compact, embedded computer designed for controlling and monitoring of devices via a control system (EPICS, ACS, and TANGO are supported). Devices can be connected to microIOC via Ethernet, serial, GPIB, other ports, or directly with digital or analog inputs and outputs, which makes microIOC a perfect candidate for a platform that integrates devices into your control system. Already over 90 microIOCs are installed in 18 labs over the world. LOgarithmic COnverter (LOCO) is a specialized microIOC used as a high-voltage power-supply distribution system for vacuum ion pumps. A single high-voltage power-supply controller can be used for delivering power to multiple ion pumps. A highly-accurate logarithmic-scale current measurement is provided on each pump, enabling an affordable and reliable pressure measurement ranging from 10-12 to 10-4 mbar.