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MOPA02 |
LHC@FNAL A New Remote Operations Center at Fermilab
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- W. F. Badgett, K. B. Biery, E. G. Gottschalk, S. R. Gysin, M. O. Kaletka, M. J. Lamm, K. M. Maeshima, P. M. McBride, E. S. McCrory, J. F. Patrick, A. J. Slaughter, A. L. Stone, A. V. Tollestrup, E. R. Harms
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
- Hadley, Nicholas J. Hadley, S. K. Kunori
UMD, College Park, Maryland
- M. Lamont
CERN, Geneva
Commissioning the LHC accelerator and experiments will be a vital part of the worldwide high-energy physics program beginning in 2007. A remote operations center, LHC@FNAL, has been built at Fermilab to make it easier for accelerator scientists and experimentalists working in North America to help commission and participate in operations of the LHC and experiments. We report on the evolution of this center from concept through construction and early use. We also present details of its controls system, management, and expected future use.
WOAA01 |
The ILC Control System
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- R. S. Larsen
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
- F. Lenkszus, C. W. Saunders, J. Carwardine
ANL, Argonne, Illinois
- P. M. McBride, M. Votava
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
- S. Michizono
KEK, Ibaraki
- S. Simrock
DESY, Hamburg
Since the last ICALEPCS, a small multi-region team has developed a reference design model for the ILC Control System as part of the ILC Global Design Effort. The scale and performance parameters of the ILC accelerator require new thinking in regards to control system design. Technical challenges include the large number of accelerator systems to be controlled, the large scale of the accelerator facility, the high degree of automation needed during accelerator operations, and control system equipment requiring Five Nines availability. The R&D path for high availability touches the control system hardware, software, and overall architecture, and extends beyond traditional interfaces into the accelerator technical systems. Software considerations for HA include fault detection through exhaustive out-of-band monitoring and automatic state migration to redundant systems, while the telecom industrys emerging ATCA standardconceived, specified, and designed for High Availabilityis being evaluated for suitability for ILC front-end electronics. Parallels will be drawn with control system challenges facing the ITER CODAC team.