The DAFNE Accelerator complex, a 1020-MeV center of mass lepton collider for Phi particle production, consists of a linear accelerator, a damping ring, nearly 180 m of transfer lines, two storage rings that intersect in two points, a test beam area providing e+/e- and photos (BTF) on demand, and three synchrotron light lines (DAFNE-L). The complexity of the machine and subsystem pushed us to develop a system for logging, archiving, and making statistics and history of the DAFNE accelerator and experimental users faults, warnings, news, and general setup information. The Accelerator Trouble Ticket is a web tool (PHP, MySQL, and email based), that allows for complete handling and sharing of all the accelerator information with the scientific, technical, and service staff; it also allows experimental users easy access via the World Wide Web. The architecture and implementation of the system and the ease of exportation and configuration for any accelerator complex is presented, along with examples of products and results obtained from the first year of operation at the DAFNE accelerator.